Do access check for member of this class, this class being the type of the 'this' pointer used to access smember. Returns true if the member is not accessible.
Check access to d for expression e.d Returns true if the declaration is not accessible.
Check access to package/module p from scope sc.
Return Prot access for Dsymbol smember in this declaration.
Determine if scope sc has package level access to s.
Determine if smember has access to private members of this declaration.
Determine if scope sc has protected level access to cd.
Determine if this is the same or friend of cd.
Check whether symbols s is visible in mod.
Same as above, but determines the lookup module from symbols origin.
Same as above but also checks for protected symbols visible from scope sc. Used for qualified name lookup.
Helper function for checkAccess()
See Source File
$(DMDSRC _access.d)
Copyright (c) 1999-2016 by Digital Mars, All Rights Reserved
Compiler implementation of the D programming language.