module mod; template Foo(alias a) { mixin Bar!(); } mixin template Bar() { public { // ProtDeclaration void baz() { a = 2; } } } void test() { int v = 1; alias foo = Foo!(v); foo.baz(); assert(v == 2); }
// s == FuncDeclaration('mod.test.Foo!().Bar!().baz()') // s.parent == TemplateMixin('mod.test.Foo!().Bar!()') // s.toParent() == TemplateInstance('mod.test.Foo!()') // s.toParent2() == FuncDeclaration('mod.test')
parent field returns a lexically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of.
toParent() returns a logically enclosing scope symbol this is a member of. It skips over TemplateMixin's.
toParent2() returns an enclosing scope symbol this is living at runtime. It skips over both TemplateInstance's and TemplateMixin's. It's used when looking for the 'this' pointer of the enclosing function/class.