
A namespace corresponding to a C++ namespace. Implies extern(C++).

extern (C++) final
class Nspace : ScopeDsymbol {}

Inherited Members

From ScopeDsymbol

Dsymbol search(Loc loc, Identifier ident, int flags = SearchLocalsOnly)

This function is #1 on the list of functions that eat cpu time. Be very, very careful about slowing it down.

FuncDeclaration findGetMembers()

Look for member of the form: const(MemberInfo)[] getMembers(string); Returns NULL if not found

bool hasStaticCtorOrDtor()

Return true if any of the members are static ctors or static dtors, or if any members have members that are.

size_t dim(Dsymbols* members)

Determine number of Dsymbols, folding in AttribDeclaration members.

Dsymbol getNth(Dsymbols* members, size_t nth, size_t* pn = null)

Get nth Dsymbol, folding in AttribDeclaration members.

int _foreach(Scope* sc, Dsymbols* members, scope ForeachDg dg, size_t* pn = null)

Expands attribute declarations in members in depth first order. Calls dg(size_t symidx, Dsymbol *sym) for each member. If dg returns !=0, stops and returns that value else returns 0. Use this function to avoid the O(N + N^2/2) complexity of calculating dim and calling N times getNth.
