Append ptr to *plist.
Append integer item to list.
Apply a function fp to each member of a list.
Build a list out of the null-terminated argument list.
Concatenate two lists (l2 appended to l1). Output: *pl1 updated to be start of concatenated list.
Compare two lists using the comparison function fp. The comparison function is the same as used for qsort().
Copy a list and return it.
Copy list of pointers into an array of pointers.
Compare two lists.
Free list.
Initialize list package. Output: list_inited = 1
Search for ptr in list.
Insert item into list at nth position.
Create link to existing list, that is, share the list with somebody else.
Count up and return number of items in list.
Remove first element in list pointed to by *plist.
Prepend ptr to *plist.
Prepend integer item to list.
Reverse a list.
Remove ptr from the list pointed to by *plist. Output: *plist is updated to be the start of the new list
Terminate list package. Output: list_inited = 0
See Source File
$(DMDSRC backend/tk/_dlist.d)
Copyright (C) 1986-1990 by Northwest Software Copyright (c) 1999-2016 by Digital Mars, All Rights Reserved
Interface to the C linked list type.
List is a complete package of functions to deal with singly linked lists of pointers or integers. Features: 1. Uses mem package. 2. Has loop-back tests. 3. Each item in the list can have multiple predecessors, enabling different lists to 'share' a common tail.